Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The DE No.2: Relentless pursuit of stability and happiness

The issue everyone yearns to talk about; the issue that sets hearts beating to its fast paced stride and induces adrenaline pumping; the one taboo thing in certain countries, which might put you to death if mentioned; the favourite word of Casanovas, yet used inappropriately by themselves; the word to be avoided by youths who have immature thoughts about life and what it has to offer.

Have you guessed it yet?

Yes, it's none other than love.

The definition of love is the subject of considerable debate, enduring speculation, and thoughtful introspection. Some tackle the difficulty of finding a universal definition for love by classifying it into types, such as passionate love, romantic love, and committed love. However, some of these types of love can be...

Love nowadays has been transformed by a modern societal change in perception; love has been loosely related to as sexual desire, lust for the partner, or even puppy love.

Stepping into a mixed culture environment (and by culture I mean the opposite genders) this year has been a very strange experience; somehow I feel I'm not getting any more used to it than when I first stepped in.

It's awkward that you really want to talk to a person of the opposite sex but yet you cannot pluck up the courage to do so. It is embarrassing because you may run out of topics to talk about with the other party during conversations as well. That's when conversation starters come into play.

Take for example today; I was having a short discussion with my co-emcee Stephanie for CT investiture on the 9th of May. It was pretty short, sharp but somehow rather tasteless because it was purely professional speak. I didn't have the knowledge to ask her about "randomic" events and questions that may interest her.

Maybe it's too much of a gender difference. (But people say I'm Himbotic, how can that be?)

Then again, there are people who make me feel comfortable around them; people who can connect with you and start conversations somehow. That is the people I like to talk to.

Please do forget the few paragraphs above, as we return to the topic.

Love, is it a warranty for us to engage in shameless flirtatious acts and merciless flings? Is love something to be toyed around with, only to toss it out of our windows the moment it fails us? Is love an entity that everyone is entitled to have, or must you risk your values and material for it? Is love demanding, or do you think love is all about receiving?

Most importantly, is love really the ideal of the human life? Does it hold at least 75% (that's an A.) importance in your lives? Or do you play down the priority, and place your personal obsessions above it?

Love, is love a game? Do we toss the dice of chance to see where it lands; then follow its decrees religiously? Or do we take the reins of the sleigh and maneuver it whichever direction we want it to go?

Do you yearn for love? Are you seeking to find true love? What is true love anyway? Is there anything such as fake love? So how much is unrequited love? How do you quantify it?

Got love?


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